
Does Anyone Have An Easy Fix For A Bad External Speaker Plug For A Ic-746pro

N9EWO Review :
ICOM IC-7600 DSP HF / 50 MHz  Transceiver

The ICOM IC-7600 is improved over the IC-756 Pro and Pro Two's as a SWL receiver (just it even so has issues).
Lower audio distortion and increasing the widest "AM mode" bandwidth to ten khz along with making it variable (was only 3 presets with AM in the PRO 2 and IC-746PRO). Split Bass and Treble controls also help the cause. LCD display backlighting now uses LED'southward for much longer life . Major downside for SWL utilize is the internal fan runs "loud" and can run continuous in a warm room in just RECEIVE Simply employ . If the input voltage is a fleck lower (12.0 volts) , the fan may wheel on/off with the lower cabinet temperature this volition give . "Receive Only" operation is unaffected . A later on discovered nasty with OUR examination sample was "manual" ECSS reception (AM signals naught beat in USB or LSB) is not very usable with intermittent ticking DSP artifacts (see text).
(N9EWO Photo)

Model : ICOM IC-7600
Country Of Manufacture : Japan (Osaka)

HM-36 Hand Microphone : People's republic of china
OPC-1457 DC Power Cable : (included the new version with fuse holder changes come across text)
Firmware Version Tested : 1.xi
Serial Number (approx.) of Test Sample : 02033xx

Optional Accessories Tested
SM-30 Desk Microphone : China

JRC NRD-545 Receiver, Icom IC-746PRO, IC-756 PRO Ii and IC-756 PRO Transceivers and Icom IC-R9000 Receiver models accept been used/tested for comparisons in this written report.


N9EWO's Review on the Icom IC-7600 DSP HF / 50 MHz Transceiver (for SWL Use)

Another Different Kind Of A Report Hither........

Is ICOM's quaternary try with this series DSP transceiver a winner ?? Nosotros are going to have a look at information technology here, but on the side of the debate every bit for

monitoring full general SW / HF broadcasting stations. So if you lot are looking for a detailed study with "amateur radio" TX / RX use, you will accept to look elsewhere . All the same, I will cover a few topics on the TX side of the fence besides, just non in any huge item. You volition see me make reference to the older and now all discontinued IC-746PRO, IC-756 PRO , IC-756 PRO 2 (as tested) , Japan Radio Co. NRD-545 DSP receiver and the 2 samples of Icom IC-R9000 HF-VHF-UHF Receiver that I take owned or used over the years in the review below.

Then yous are not a Amateur Radio Operator, eh ???

I have heard of a MANY IC-746PRO, IC-756 PRO, IC-756 PRO II and III'south being sold to people that will NEVER transmit on information technology. Yes..."Short Wave Listeners". With manufactures curtailing tabletop "receiver" production, My gut feeling is this volition be on the increase. You can usually get a meliorate deal with more features in a Ham transceiver and the lack of tabletop receivers these days. Well non entirely as information technology is not all red roses for "SW Broadcast Monitoring" when say compared to a JRC NRD-545 (lack of sync detection to name ane), Only I'thousand sure many HF transceivers have been sold to non-hams, like information technology or not.

And then What's The Draw For a SWL Type To The IC-7600 ?? / Uses LED Backlighting - LCD Brandish Bug No More than !!

The biggest describe is the real smashing and big "Spectrum Scope" Display that allows for viewing of a clamper of the HF spectrum upward to 500 khz max (+/- 250 khz). This is a huge comeback to the older PRO, PRO Two and PRO Iii models that just did 200 Khz max. No it's not every bit wide as the IC-R9500 , but is not a big loss. Works very well and helps from missing signals as y'all goose egg across the bands with the knob. Many will fall in honey at first sight with this i. Also the IC-7600 allows for 2 unlike types of tuning with the scope. I type where the center of the tuned frequency moves with the punch and the other and "new" way where the scope stays fixed and you lot melody a red marker across the screen. The desired tuned segment hither is adjusted in the carte's (very easy to do). Scope sensitivity is a bit lacking notwithstanding as compared to the older IC-R9000 (yous volition miss weak signals say below iv~5 South units), simply is still very useful and just fun. One can fifty-fifty change the colour of the display "telescopic" (personally I similar green). Also a groundwork "ghost" brandish will bespeak what take been received until y'all tune again with the knob when it then resets (this tin can be turned off). This is all in Existent time, so no receiver muting.

The IC-7600 will not have a trouble with CRT burn every bit it uses a full colour TFT LCD and fifty-fifty meliorate yet uses LED Backlighting !! This is an area that Icom finally did it right on the 4th try !!

The IC-746PRO, IC-756PRO, PRO Ii and PRO III's all employ a "florescent tube" CCFL backlighting and are much more open to failure issues (which they did and notwithstanding do) !! The "Band Scope" width higher up thirty MHz the IC-R9000 was pretty much useless anyway, too narrow for VHF-UHF uses. And beingness I'g non into VHF-UHF monitoring much at all, I never used the spectrum scope above xxx mhz on my R9000'south when I had them. In that location is also a bang-up screen saver on the IC-7600 with 3 different selections. It besides may be turned off if desired. Viewing angle has also been profoundly improved over all other older LCD models.

The later IC-R9000's that were made (the "L" version) used a "CCFL backlit" LCD display instead of the CRT . It was monochrome only, and I hear the resolution was really poor as it was NOT a TFT type (however we have never seen ane). LED backlighting is not even used with the super expensive IC-R9500 receiver, IC-7700 or IC-7800 transceivers (all still use the now outdated CCFL and problem decumbent backlights) !!

Much Improved Shipping Box / Included Accessories

Icom's weak shipping box construction the plagued the original IC-746, IC-756 PRO-two and other older Icom models in this series has been totally fixed with the IC-7600. It had used a weak single wall box with no major protection. If a dealer did non pack the set up properly with another double wall exterior box and PROPER utilise of foam could very easily get damaged. My PRO-2 sample near got whacked by UPS totally as the dealer I ordered mine from did not really pack it correctly . With the IC-7600 , Icom uses Two double wall boxes with a overnice air gap and foam on the corners in betwixt them. For the huge investment they did good here and fabricated me feel warm and fuzzy inside even before I turned information technology on.

Just as with the elder IC-756 PRO Two , the LCD had a screen protect plastic "peeley" over information technology's lens to prevent it from beingness scratched during production, and is a first-class idea . JRC did non exercise this with my belatedly 1999 vintage NRD-545 . My one R-9000 I purchased brand new also did have this.

Included in the box was the HM-36 hand mic (sadly information technology was a dreaded made in Red china one), a very prissy new style 4 pivot-DC ability cable that uses blade style fuses, Ane i/4 inch stereo plug and 3 extra fuses (two 30 Amp ones for the DC ability cable and one five amp (internal power fuse) and that is information technology . Icom does NOT include whatsoever plugs with the gear up for the rear 7 and 8 pin DIN accompaniment sockets. And so you will have to purchase these separate if you don't have any on hand .

Exterior Observations / Electronic Meter / Spectrum Scope Just OK / Rubber Feet On Bottom

General button "feel" varies a bit depending where. As others take pointed out elsewhere on the internet, it's non as solid as the PRO serial and I agree. The painted buttons accept the very simular "cheap" experience to the JRC NRD-545'due south , that is nigh of them have a loose "wobble trait" to them. Skillful "tactical experience" response at least. But don't expect to match the old IC-R9000 or IC-781 here for overall build quality.

Does not use the old style analog type meter. It has been replaced with a "fake" electronic blazon on the LCD . At first thought I was worried that I would not like this arrangement ? But in real use I found information technology to be more than accurate and easier to see , so aye this is an huge improvement in my view. Yous besides have iii different ways to view this meter (standard, edgewise and bar types) equally well every bit the meter response. Equally with the elder models one tin can view all transmit meters using the "Multi-Function Meter" bar selection including transmit current , a general voltage at the power amplifier and temperature. Located on the rear console is a jack to add a later on market place analog type meter. LDG fabricated such a beast for the IC-7600 at once (now discontinued, non tested). It'southward HUGE however and a bit ugly to my optics.

The LCD display is simply breathtaking. Equally compared to older PRO models, information technology is indeed a scrap larger. Possibly not quite as sharp looking however (a flake more blurry), merely it has a much greater viewing angle (and then a trade off hither). I can view the display well off the sides where every bit with the older models.....forget it.

With the sometime Icom 756PRO series and the CCFL backlights, yous needed to wait awhile for the LCD backlighting to become stable for maximum brightness. With LED backlighting being used in the IC-7600 this wait is no longer required. Besides the brightness is even across the entire surface (unlike the IC-756 PRO II). Only existent display setting is effulgence now which we set at 11 for our eyes (much less than default) . Gone are the dissimilarity and horizon adjustments. Spectrum Scope is loaded with "Grass" which does not exist with improved afterwards Icom transceiver's like the SDR IC-7300 (equally tested here). (N9EWO Photo)

Spectrum Scope works OK. Withal information technology's not quite equally sensitive as covered earlier. It takes a around four due south-units of bespeak for SPECTRUM SCOPE to bear witness up under nearly conditions . Now you can view up to a 500 KHz bridge of spectrum (250 +/- either side). It was only 250 max (125 +/- either side) with the older PRO models. The scope "att" (attenuation) characteristic is almost handy when the ring is noisy on lower frequencies at night and merely stronger signals in general (say the 49 meter band).

A background "ghost" part of the telescopic display shows previous action and resets when you start tuning once more. User can alter the spectrum telescopic color and the "ghost" display in the carte du jour's. Likewise the IC-7600 allows for two dissimilar types of tuning with the scope. One type where the middle of the tuned frequency moves with the dial and the other and "new" way where the scope stays stock-still and you melody a cherry marker across the screen. The desired tuned segment here is also adjusted in the carte's (very piece of cake to exercise).

Rear anxiety are of a Rubber type (unlike with the IC-746PRO and IC-756PRO II where it was just hard plastic). The front feet and popular out raised feet utilise some kind of a foam cushion feet thing and sadly this foam tends to deteriorate with age.

Variable Command's / Encoder Feel / Push button Buttons / Painted KnobsIs generally good here overall with all controls just every bit with the elderberry PRO models, however we must embrace a few points here.

The COPAL "custom made" magnetic encoder used for the "main tuning" is very skilful. It has a generally very smooth feel. Notwithstanding here nosotros do notice a bit of encoder bearing slop. And then it has some "up downward - side to side" play. Mind you it's not at whatsoever serious amount, but it's NOT in the same excellent quality every bit the JRC NRD-545'southward magnetic encoder for dial tuning. There is a 3 choice knob drag "intermission" aligning on the lesser end of the tuning knob (only 3 selections is a bit defective here to me). You guessed it, it'south not as silky smooth as the encoder used in the NRD-545's main tuning encoder even at the far right adjustment, and not even as good equally the elder models for a "really loose" knob feeling (but close), again this is OK and non a downside.....but for the record.

A side note to this, in that location are NO set screw(s) used for the main tuning knob . It uses the low cost "push on" system. So more likely this is where about of the encoder slop is from (and mayhap varies from sample to sample) ??

There is a 3-option knob elevate "break" adjustment on the lesser end of the tuning knob (with simply 3 selections is a bit lacking here to me).With our sample nosotros did notice a fleck of encoder begetting slop. And so it has some "upward down - side to side" play. This was not excessive thank goodness. Sorry, it'south not equally a silky smooth magnetic tuning encoder every bit used in the NRD-545's fifty-fifty at the far right adjustment every bit shown above.
(N9EWO Photo)

"Shine" mechanical encoder used for the RIT / XIT adjustment has a slight weird feeling as I rotate it. Yous can lightly feel the encoder's internal contact(due south) engaging. This is a difficult one to explain, just and then far has no ill effect and just seems to be the mode it is. Many will be pressed to even find this one. But once again this is of existent little moment and was also noted on the tested standard PRO and PRO Ii versions as well.

With the exception of the RIT/XIT and Twin PBT encoders , three of the front end console controls are stacked analog "pot's" . They all turn piece of cake enough and the knobs are larger over the PRO series sets ,but as it usually is with stacked controls the center control "knob" all take a slight corporeality of the dreaded rotational play. That is equally you go from ane direction to another, you feel a gap before y'all really start to go the other mode.

ICOM notwithstanding makes it more of a chore to enter a frequency straight. Not only do you have to push a push to begin to enter a frequency direct, you also must enter the "." (dot). And then you are forced to enter a MHz frequency (or y'all can enter ii extra "00'southward instead). JRC allows either KHz OR MHz with out the extra buttons. And then again, 2 extra buttons you have to hitting on the ICOM. But this is a Icom trait that continues to be handed downwardly, and was ditto on the R9000 as well.

The stacked mechanical encoder that is used for the "TWIN PBT" adjustment is a "click type" and has a good feel to it with no problems (only slight rotational play with the center knob that does not bother me being the PBT control).

Icom'due south IC-7600 as does JRC NRD-545, nevertheless makes apply of "painted" button-on plastic knobs. Equally I have indicated elsewhere on this spider web site, this is not a real good idea as this pigment could indeed wearable off with use. Oh humm....when nosotros see this one get away ??? Save the paint and go out them "bare" as JRC did on the quondam NRD-525. The main tuning knob is of a lower cost "push button on" blazon as well (uses no set screws).

Even with the direct keyboard entry being non so easy, I all the same observe the ICOM IC-7600 to be a very pleasant set to employ with excellent ergonomics. The menu screens on the LCD make information technology a existent enjoyable trip around. Enough buttons for easy access for all functions. Certainly night and day to the AOR AR7030 receiver "nightmare" box.

DSP Detection / Bandwidth and AGC

With the old IC-746PRO, IC-756 PRO 2 and PRO 3 models with AM mode signals you Just have 3 Stock-still choices, 3, half-dozen and 9 kHz. In the case of the IC-7600 you now accept a variable adjustment (in 200 hz steps) from 200 hz right upwardly to

10 KHz . So this is correct in line with the NRD-545 at present with AM mode filters. Sadly the SSB top bandwidth is still 3.6 khz maximum (in 100 hz steps) and nonetheless very limited on the higher stop as when compared to the JRC NRD-545 on LSB and USB that can surrender to the max.x khz setting. Manual ECSS operation is EXCELLENT with the 1 hz tuning steps and brandish. The included 0.5 PPM TCXO helps in a big way here every bit well. Just as with the NRD-545 there are 3 bandwidth presets that the user can define. A huge plus is the 7600 has 3 roofing filters that tin can exist selected (iii, 6 and 15 khz) as well every bit "Sharp and Soft" shape factor on SSB bandwidths (sadly this does not piece of work with the AM filters).

But as yous can read on my

JRC NRD-545 page ,the JRC suffers from weird sounds that be within information technology'due south DSP and associated circuit's under certain band atmospheric condition. The Icom does not suffer from this problem , except with Transmission ECSS, see green block below.

Have to stress over again , Icom includes a overnice 10 khz filter choice with use on AM signals when signals permit...of course a HUGE plus for SWL utilise !!!!

Information technology is not a fast piece of cake job adjusting the bandwidths filters with the Icom on the fly. With the JRC is just a turn "1 knob" thing. Icom forces y'all to drib into a menu and push buttons and turn the main tuning knob, a pain here. Again you do have 3 bandwidths presets as you practise with the JRC ,just adjusting to other filter bandwidths in a split second is where the chore is.

*** Sound Recovery *** :

"Is the IC-7600 the best prepare around for pulling the audio (spoken words) from a very weak signal down in the mud using manual ECSS ?"

Not really. With tested elder IC-756 PRO 2 model information technology was not that expert. On the 7600 with it'southward more than advanced DSP receiver scheme and adaptable audio filtering , is improved in standard AM mode .
We discovered in later testing that transmission ECSS use was near unacceptable, see green cake beneath for more information on this.

Also to achieve the same sensitivity level of other sets (i.e.: WJ-8711A / HF1000A, JRC NRD-545 etc.), you MUST take "pre-amp 2" on. This likewise increases the noise flooring greatly, where as the other sets I have tested with DSP like this are much more than repose with the same sensitivity level. Sad, information technology's does Not lucifer the WJ-8711A in sound recovery (simply what does) . Fifty-fifty Icom'due south expensive IC-R9500 receiver does not and yes I have washed side by side testing .

The 7600'south AGC is near perfect and works extremely well. The Icom existence MUCH more adjustable over the NRD-545 and can also use it on AM mode signals (with the JRC of course you cannot). I plant turning OFF the AGC on the IC-7600 can be a huge plus digging out the weak ones. Usually that is the instance also with any receiver that can practice information technology, however turning off the AGC on the JRC NRD-545 on a extremely weak bespeak is a large waste of time and normally makes information technology worse. But overall the NRD-545's AGC performs fine for SWL signals.

Just as it is with the Bandwidth selections, y'all have "3" preset variable choices (Fast, Mid and Deadening), except on FM where you only accept one. On SSB I use the Defaults, on AM it's near the defaults as well only on FAST I employ : 0.3 (or OFF depending on my mood).

IC-756 PRO 2 had excessive sound baloney fifty-fifty in the SSB modes no matter where I gear up the AGC values at. With the 7600 it does not matter, fifty-fifty adjusting the bandwidth filter shape dosen't give whatsoever nasty excessive baloney. MUCH improved !!

Near Fantabulous Audio Quality / Recovery With Depression Distortion / No Hiss At All / Line Out Level OK / "Beep" Appears At Line Output /Separate Bass -Treble Sound Tone Controls for EACH Mode / No Voice Synthesizer on Record OutputOverall sound quality volition of class depend what external speaker is used, and as with nearly if non all HF receivers / transceivers, the IC-7600 really MUST have a Practiced external exceptions. The internal speaker is very poor !! We use a old "Realistic Minimus 77" (or the smaller Minimus 7 or the newer Centrios 7 clone) ii way speaker and with the added tweeter makes for an added boost in audio recovery (I know some will cringe on this, but it's a huge plus for broadcast station and even for apprentice utilise).

Now here is where the IC-7600 blows away all previous models in this serial and a huge plus. Located in the menus (very easily adjusted) are RX (receive) "Tone adjustments". You have a dissever Bass and Treble for EACH MODE (SSB / AM / FM). Also a split High Pass and Low Pass aligning.

Of course this will totally depend on what speaker is being used for what settings are to exist used, just for my "Realistic Minimus 77" Speaker :

SSB : Bass +5, Treble : +3
AM and FM : Bass +5 , Treble : +2.

Too precipitous sounding if I go any higher hither with true SSB style signals on Treble, yet with transmission ECSS for the all-time sound recovery the MAX of +v in Treble works excellent (decrease the Bass in this case of form for added sound recovery). Yep, it works splendid and gives the IC-7600 a huge boost for overall SWL "Broadcast " employ.

Some may ask if the

general audio recovery is as expert equally the WJ-8711A ?? Well NO it does not . But it'due south very expert to excellent provided the tone controls are adapted proper to the mode and signal , and to your speaker beingness used that volition indeed vary this. As compared to the JRC NRD-545, I can easily adjust the IC-7600's audio sharpness and audio recovery to win the race in most cases . However the NRD-545's noise floor is much lower for the aforementioned given betoken, so it's a trade off. Some other reason why the 7600 sort of wins hither is the NRD-545'south semi-sour AGC (even in the SSB modes). Fifty-fifty if nosotros reject the 545's SSB "AGC T" down to min (0.04), it was still is a lower showing in comparison .

The overall "audio output" is much more than punchy as compared to the JRC. It does not exhibit the "running out of book control" problem that desperately plagues the NRD-545. Very good news is that we have no hiss at all either at the speaker or line output. Totally clean and sharper sound (dependent on tone settings) which are huge pluses.

To connect a external recording device into the IC-7600 YOU have to make, an 8 pin DIN audio tape cablevision into the ACC 1 socket (bespeak at pin 5 , indent pointed at the Bottom) to tap the fixed audio "Line Output". Skillful news is information technology's at the proper level. The Icom IC-R9000 was anemic and struggled to give a right audio line level.

IMPORTANT Notation : Just as with the DSP "Tone" control in the NRD-545, the Bass and Treble adjustments also effect the IC-7600's "Line Output". Excellent , however information technology lacks lower bass so sounds a fleck cut off on the lower finish of the audio spectrum.

Unlike the sometime PRO two model, the keyboard "Beep" does NOT appear at "line" audio output. So if you take a recording going, any button press will not show up, so a plus here. The downside is that the Voice Synthesizer output does non evidence upwardly on the line output. So if you wish to vocalisation stamp the "frequency voice" on the recording, you are out of luck.

Yes, included as stock out of the box is the Phonation Synthesizer. This was an selection with the PRO, PRO two and PRO 3 sets. Every bit usual it can be set for English or Japanese language. Ane tin can also have the voice synthesizer piece of work when yous push a mode button (gives the mode only hither of grade), only this needs to be toggled on in the menu'south , the default is off. However we establish the output level to be a besides low even fix at max book level (too adjustable in the bill of fare'south) .

one hz Tuning AND Display with a .v ppm TCXO installed as Standard

Here is something where JRC never got it right. The JRC NRD-545, Icom IC-746PRO,  IC-756 PRO and PRO Two and IC-7600 all have splendid 1 hz tuning. But most importantly the IC-7600 (and IC-746PRO) "Display the 1 hz tuning" as well !!! This is a large plus for tuning in "DX" AM broadcasting stations using transmission ECSS in USB or LSB modes (Update: Oops not so fast hither see greenish block below for important info on this we discovered on our test sample).

The Icom IC-7600 has unusually consistent frequency accuracy across it's entire tuning range needed (right gown to the 1hz digit). The 2 samples of the IC-R9000 were not as good hither. The PRO Ii's display was off about fifty hz (high) correct out of the box. Good news is that the Icom has an adjustment in the 7600 card's to tweak this if required (mine was DEAD ON out of the box) This is even a better idea than the "adjustment hole" trimmer on the side with the PRO series sets (rear panel on the IC-746PRO). The R-9000 likewise had this, so another good Icom trait passed down to years.

Icom includes (simply as it did on the other PRO transceivers) a 0.v PPM TCXO time base crystal oscillator as standard.

With the JRC NRD-545 this was a $ 100.00 option.

Major "Bug-A-Boo" : NOISY Internal Fan That Runs FULL Fourth dimension (after warmup at normal/warm room temperature) / LCD Dust IssueFifty-fifty being on for a couple of hours and simply in receive fashion, we notice the IC-7600 to run on the "luke warm" side of the argue . This is an improvement over the PRO 2 which ran hot in just receive more and so on the underneath on the left side and also left of the DC power plug. As many know the internal Air-conditioning power supply in the IC-R9000 ran so hot every bit to burn your fingers if you lot were touch the rear power supply heat sink (not kidding) .


Icom did the fan operation right in the PRO and PRO II (PRO III ?). With the huge heat sink area, and thermostatically controlled fan, our sample NEVER came on with simply receive use.

With the dual DSP system and other improvements in the IC-7600, sadly after a warm up menstruation and Merely IN RECEIVE Manner (say 20~30 mins or so depending on room temperature), the NOISY single speed internal fan switches on and stays on in a normal/warm room. Noisy fan'due south that run in a prepare (or ability supply) in only receive mode at ANY TIME (that has not been put in TX on cold start) is totally unacceptable to me. This is getting to exist more than rare these days. Sorry Icom.........but y'all blew it on this one !!

This is of course a very subjective topic, but this could very well exist a total "bargain breaker" for anyone who is sensitive to Any fan noise (and only in receive mode) !! I guess 1 could get used to it (or perhaps non) ?? The IC-7600 draws around three AMPS of current at thirteen.8 volts in RECEIVE. But so did the IC-756 PRO and PRO two.

UPDATE : If the room temperature is on the absurd side , the fan operation may bicycle on an off . Also if ane operates the transceiver on 12.0 volts (non 13.8), this volition give cooler operation and depending on room temperature, the fan may cycle on and off instead of running all the time. However this volition requite for a lower "Max" RF ability ouput of grade (around 90 watts or so as tested).

With all of this air being passed through the cabinet (and with the fan and VENTS being correct upwards most the front bezel), reports of samples with disconcerting dust in betwixt the front end LCD bezel screen and the bodily LCD screen have appeared (source: IC-7600 Yahoo Groups). This would accept disassembly of the unabridged front end console bezel to get at and clean out. Icom got a bit smarter with the newer IC-7300 in this area as the intake vents are a chip further dorsum from the front panel and the fan being rear mounted. But not to say it completely cures this issues ?? Also the fan in the IC-7300 runs MUCH less as the chiffonier is cooler (fifty-fifty with 100% receive duty).

Receiver Sensitivity / No Weird DSP Gremlins or Other Noises...

The IC-7600 is a very sensitive fix with lots of receiving power. Just as sensitive as the JRC NRD-545. The DSP makes no weird noises so far similar the JRC NRD-545 emits (UPDATE: Well not so fast, see green block below). Lets hope it does not suffer from the ICOM failure traits that my ii IC-R9000'southward had down the explained more below. However to achieve equal sensitivity the "Pre Amp two" MUST be used. This also adds more than groundwork racket over the JRC for the same sensitivity (but this is normal for Icom's receiver scheme these days).

Inside the 7600 we take 2 DSP IC's . Ane for the receiver operations and another for the spectrum scope. The IC-746PRO, IC-756 PRO and PRO II but contained i DSP fleck.

Manual ECSS had Serious Event on OUR IC-7600 Sample / Limited SSB Bandwidths for Manual ECSS Utilise
Something of class this ICOM nonetheless lacks just the JRC NRD-545 has and works excellent , is a "Automatic" ECSS (Exalted Carrier Selectable Sideband) circuit. Yous can also telephone call this just "Synchronous Detection". Two issues are improved using this method receiving a AM mode indicate, but can vary on performance depending on the excursion. Outset is that the general fading distortion tin can exist reduced or fifty-fifty eliminated on a AM betoken.

Second is that depending what sideband is used tin can reduce of eliminate interference while still using a broad filter (if the set will allow this). Using the one further away from the offending station. The JRC NRD-545 has a ECSS that automatically locks this circuit in and allows for even utilize of the max. filter bandwidth (x KHz).

Of course on the Icom we have no such critter. But using "Manual ECSS" , that is selecting USB or LSB on a AM mode bespeak and zero beating it does piece of work . However we exercise non accept rosy news hither after later testing on this mode of tuning with OUR test sample (firmware ane.11).

Using transmission ECSS (either sideband), with OUR test sample we were hearing intermittent nasty "pops and ticks", which makes for nearly unacceptable findings in this SWL DX mode. Mind you this will Not exist a deal breaker for Apprentice or general SWL use.

We tested an early on Icom IC-R9500 super set (NOTE : early firmware) and that gear up also failed in the manual ECSS fashion as well (in fact it was really bad) . Adjustments of AGC, decay rates, tone control etc, etc.....made no difference in our findings hither.
In testing two other friends IC-7600 samples, we were unable to duplicate this bug , however this was with but very limited testing. So information technology could be a sample variation or other issue hither (unknown) ??

Improve news is nosotros take a excellent i hz tuning and brandish with stone solid stability (later brusk warm upward). The real stinker here is the limited maximum SSB bandwidth is just 3.6 khz. Yous tin can employ the "Twin PBT" to additionally tune out the interference along with really narrowing the bandwidth to help fifty-fifty in very ruff conditions. Just too bad it's not what it could accept been here .

Nearly stations will be on frequency, right downward to the 1 hz digit. But some are not, so you will have to select the one hz tuning stride and fine tune it. But y'all tin do it.

Forepart End "Bandwidth" Preselection / Good Dynamic Range

The IC-7600 has an first-class front stop stage of passband filters. Likewise spurious indicate rejection is also superb. So maybe for a few piddling small very minor gremlins that creep up, if this gear up is hearing a signal......more than likely it's actually there (except Long Wave).

A problem that the IC-R9000 had tuning in the SW role of the spectrum was with dynamic range. It would overload adequately bad at night in the 41 and 49 meter circulate bands on a skillful antenna. Gee, not good what was a $8000 + receiver. The IC-7600 fairs much improve hither, but is still not perfect. This is more true with preamp 2 on . To be fair, I have not had a problem in receiving whatsoever broadcast stations with overloading....none, merely at very potent local HF ham signal I was (simply blocks away with a bit of ability every bit well). Simply this is really a super examination being pushed here, so the dynamic range is actually very skillful .

No Attenuation on MW Ring / Poor LW (and beneath) Sensitivity and Rejection
Many already know from the older PRO series and other Icom transceivers....the pre-amps do not operate with signals below 1600 khz (MW : medium wave standard AM Broadcast). Good news with the IC-7600 is that NO added attenuation on the MW ring is used anymore. Also Pre Amp 1 and Pre Amp 2 BOTH fully operate.

Downside is Long Moving ridge (and beneath) the sensitivity is non good , and is MW rejection is very poor (loaded with MW stations mixed in). The JRC NRD-545 blows the ICOM into the next planet in this surface area.

"Dual Lookout" ReceiveHere is a feature that might be of use for many, provided your signals don't go as well far apart from each other. We accept a function called "Dual Watch" and this can also be found on other Icom sets.

As long equally you are able to use the aforementioned mode and within the same '"front end end" filter range (and say within a couple of Mhz or so from each other), yep you can listen to 2 frequencies at the same time. The "Bal" control did accept me awhile getting used to.

Digital Noise Reduction / Notch Filter / Excellent Noise Blanker

The digital noise reduction characteristic (NR button) works much better on than on the PRO II and the (joke) NR button on the JRC NRD-545. The "in the tube" sound is totally gone the plauged the IC-756 PRO II. As it usually is with NR , i cannot get likewise far. Once more is much more than useful over JRC NRD-545 circuit that sounds similar all "in a tube" and no bespeak.

Auto notch car way does an excellent job equally does the manual 1. They piece of work very well indeed and are about useful and deep. I say Icom improved here equally well.

Excellent "Noise Blanker" performance (at to the lowest degree at our location and local noise). Fully adjustable also. I of the best we accept ever used in fact.

Only 100 memories, Accessing a Bit of a Hurting / Band Stacking Memories / Notepad Memories

For many 100 memories will be only fine and will non be a problem. Actually having a smaller amount will make them more useful and less confusing. Especially when used in the Ham radio realm what it was actually made for. Only for SWL utilize it could be a issue. I find 100 to be OK considering the lack of a EASY way to access them.

Yep, accessing the memories is a bit of a pain the rump. Unlike with the IC-746PRO, in that location is no "spin wheel" for zipping through them. Instead you are forced to utilize the up down arrows on the keypad, or direct entry (yep, take to hit an extra button equally well), even the buttons on the mic will allow you to surf the memory channels. I guess this works OK, merely it would have been nice for a dedicated spin bicycle encoder knob. They missed this i again !!

You can view a chunk of the memory channels on the LCD and add together a 10 grapheme alpha to each retentiveness. Another trait to the R9000 over again. I like the manner the list is laid out and displayed. But different the memory layout, you still cannot copy and paste which I kind of miss. Non a biggie here withal.

With the forepart USB port 1 tin can make use of a computer keyboard and enter the alpha tags with more than speed and ease.

If you lot are tuning effectually the Ham bands, the Band Stacking Memories will store your last iii entered entries. This is near useful and as I do the Ham affair too , but for even SWL use it'south a nice plus.

But fifty-fifty more than useful are the "Notepad Memories". You tin can shop 5 or 10 (user defined) of your about used or hunting for in the DX globe, and these are very easily accessed. Cracking idea here.

Internal Digital Audio Recorder, Useless : Likewise Short Of Time (xxx sec max) / Connection to PC via USB Port

The Icom IC-756 PRO Ii featured a Digital Audio Recorder which immune recording of the off air signal up to 15 seconds (in four chunks), or

your vocalization onto the air for up to 90 seconds total. Well with the IC-7600 the receive record time was increased to xxx seconds (whopee) in 20 channels for 209 seconds total.

As for whatever use for SWL signals, this is all the same almost totally useless. You lot tin can likewise continually record in a 15 2nd loop. So can playback the last 15 seconds purchase just striking the push button (in case you missed a give-and-take or 2). Count on connecting another device for any broadcast recording

(like the "standalone" Sangean DAR-101 digital recorder) via it's audio line output jack.

Why Icom yet did not allow for longer recording time (like with the IC-R9500) is across me. They blew it Over again here !!!

Audio quality from this recorder while being OK for most ham applications , does degrade a scrap nevertheless (done A-B testing hither on this).

Another huge plus to the IC-7600 is it has a USB computer port on the rear panel (connection to a Windows Bone computer). After loading the correct drivers BEFORE you plug it in

3 versions depending if your estimator Os is WIndows XP, WIndows vii, Windows 8 etc). Here whatsoever audio received is also fed over USB to the calculator. So with whatsoever PC audio record program yous can record "off air" this style as well.

Adept Transmit Audio Quality Also

As I had fabricated a annotate at the top of this report, I will not be covering the Ham Transmit side of this radio in any detail . But with the tests I have made at fourth dimension of writing it was very good and make clean with 3 different transmit bandwidths bachelor. No excessive relay's clicking when the gear up is put into transmit. The 7600 has a nice Big RED LED transmit indicator , a nice touch. The mic EQ settings work very well indeed. The included HM-36 hand mic is a real treat, holds in the hand well and has bang-up tactile feedback. Still this Chinese mic volition need modification before any existent use (do your ain internet searches). We used the Chinese made Icom SM-30 desk mic with the IC-7600 is worked excellent right out of the box .

Of course the internal antenna tuner should NEVER exist used in a receive only situation (e'er to be left OFF).

Cracking Set , Improved Over The IC-756 PRO 2 / Fan Noise and Poor "Manual ECSS" are the real stinkers with the IC-7600

I find the Icom IC-7600 to be a better receiver for SWL use over the even older IC-756 PRO 2 / Iii models. It has many functions that no other fix manufacture has e'er begin to bear upon. It does it's DSP business with no weird strange noises or burps (expect for manual ECSS) which tin can overtake the JRC NRD-545 superset at times. Icom made many improvements including MUCH improved audio quality, AM bandwidths that are now adaptable and the larger LCD display with LED backlighting.

Downsides are you will have to observe a dainty hefty 23 Amp xiii.8 volt power supply to get this one to work (if y'all use information technology for transmit as well). A non-switching 1 besides if you want to stay away from RF noise. Ameliorate add together the price of a proficient external speaker if you don't already accept one around . Run it at 12.0 volts for a tad cooler operation (with almost 10 watts less RF output).

The MAJOR bugs for ME with the IC-7600 is the excessive internal fan racket (and but beingness in receive too), excessive receiver electric current depict,  poor transmission ECSS as covered in the green block to a higher place (yet this could be a sample variation ??) and fair band scope with likewise much noise floor "grass" . Simply for many these will not be deal breakers , yes these are very subjective topics and your view may vary.

The build quality is non in the same league when compared to the JRC products in my view. It's not poor either...but when ane really compares.....JRC was unremarkably (just not ever) on the superlative for quality of construction and parts used. But of course they are long gone manufacturing transceivers or even receivers now and were e'er more expensive too.
JRC'due south NRD-545 can suffer from the dreaded trimmer capacitor issues in the VCO section (so that is not neat news with a unknown sample on the used market).

Icom has manufactured SDR transceiver models after the IC-7600 and these perform to much higher continuing (such equally the review here). If at reasonable price, a used IC-7600 would still brand for a good value for "Apprentice Radio" utilise (again is non such a groovy choice for SWL use in our view with the firmware version tested) . Dave N9EWO
N9EWO, all rights reserved
ver seven.0


I will NOT be held responsible for whatever info that is listed here
ALL DONE AT YOUR Own Adventure !

*** Icom IC-7600 Service Note : USB Port and Transmit Failure Problems with the IC-7600 ***

There has been quite a discussion around the cyberspace in regards to failures with the IC-7600 USB port and also full transmit failures . In all cases and situations it appears to have been user inflicted, however many think it's a flaw with the transceiver especially with "electrostatic belch" (ESD) damage . I will concord that modern day gear is a bit more sensitive to ESD via the antenna (and local ESD too), and in my view the owner MUST TOTALLY DISCONNECT the antenna physically off the transceiver when not in utilise (and I do in all seasons). Of course don't even call up of using the set with any bad weather in the area. If you call up adding the best grounding organization , ten 8 foot footing rods, static / lightning arrestors and fifty-fifty using a grounded antenna switch will prevent any ESD damage 100% to a high-tech modern day amateur transceiver...........THINK AGAIN !!!
Via the IC-7600 Yahoo Group : Gilles Deschars F1AGR had a USB port failure with his IC-7600 that I'm going to pass forth equally I feel it's extremely important in regards to the USB port failure. His IC-7600 USB port failed him twice in three months. Get-go time Icom replaced one IC . Second time they had to modify the whole main lath. As he said that was a very expensive failure !

Information technology took him a bit of time to notice the origin of this event (just he did). Annotation : He did non comment if the Icom transceiver was powered via a switching blazon power supply ??

- His IC-7600 was continued to a ASUS laptop via the USB port.
- The laptop was powered via 220V/18V SWITCHING ability supply . This power supply primary did not have a mains basis connection. Laptop USB basis was aforementioned than secondary power supply 0V (negative pole).
- After disconnecting the IC-7600 from laptop, He measured 100V between transceiver footing and laptop USB ground. Merely almost no current between the two.

The origin of this consequence was a low current leak between primary and secondary of his laptop power supply. Icom did confirm such ground potential departure was destructive to the IC-7600 USB port.

And then this is one very of import item worth checking

BEFORE you connect up your IC-7600 to the estimator.
ANOTHER IC FAILURE (DEAD OUTPUT) : The small IC that likes to blow on the IC-7600 is IC201 located on the RF Unit of measurement . It is a BGA616 Broadband MMIC amplifier. The output of this IC amplifier is fed to the PA unit. And then if it fails, y'all will get no transmit output at all (Dead). Some owners have blown this one out more than in one case. Not sure if the above (ESD or Hot USB grounds) might have a play in the IC destruction or if it's other unknown issues causing information technology ??

I will NOT be held responsible for any info that is listed here

*** Icom IC-7600 Service Note : Receive and Transmit Both Go Dead !!! ***

Again from information via the IC-7600 Yahoo Group (Eric K2CB) (notwithstanding we have included additional more detailed information on this hither) : From user reports, it appears that some other common failure that tin can occur in time with the Icom IC-7600 transceiver is a bad connection of the minor "DC DC Unit" , which is plugged into the MAIN Lath. Even more than so if being used in a smoky , dusty or humid surface area. This failure may include : Receive and Transmit becoming totally Expressionless (TX no output all modes). Even so note that the multi function meter indications may continue to piece of work BUT are all incorrect including : Showing RF output / ALC full swing / SWR 2.5 / Id over 25 Amps etc etc. No RF output and current is really merely drawing every bit in normal receive way.

A possible simple repair to try  (simply it may not be valid in your case) : Remove the bottom cover. In the corner section as indicated in the photos below, y'all will see the small "DC DC Unit".  This is a modest fully shielded metal cased board assembly plugged into the MAIN Board (with it'south bottom of it's PC board facing upwardly from MAIN board). Remove the two Phillips screws that concur this "DC DC Unit of measurement" onto the main unit board / plug. Carefully unplug the unit of measurement (merely lifts upward). Re seat it (and if desired beforehand clean the plug and socket if it can be done PROPERLY and be sure to let fully dry before reseating) and then replace the screws.

IF you are skilled enough , information technology might be worth a try earlier sending it off to repair. Maybe changing out the CR2032 clock battery might not be a bad idea while it's open up (it's in a socket) .

Dave N9EWO
N9EWO, all rights reserved
ver ii.0

Has your Icom IC-7600 "Receiver and Transmitter" gone both totally DEAD !

I will Not exist held responsible for any info that is listed hither
ALL DONE AT YOUR OWN Take a chance !

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