Have you always experienced dry peel & pilus later hot tub utilize? You're non alone. Water sanitizing chemicals similar chlorine and bromine can have this effect, especially on people with sensitive pare. While h2o sanitizing chemicals are admittedly necessary for killing harmful bacteria that otherwise thrive in warm water, you do not have to cede your hot tub time to eliminate dry out skin problems! Here are half-dozen easy steps to assist y'all maintain beautiful moisturized pare and hair.

Water Conditioning

Adding a h2o conditioner tin make a big difference. Option one that contains moisturizing ingredients but is oil free to forestall leftover residue at the h2o line. Just Soft past inSPAration works well and does non affect water chemistry.

Alternative mineral sanitizers that utilize copper ions or silver minerals sanitize as well as chlorine or bromine and do non dry out out your skin.


Peel Moisturizers

After hot tub use, apply a quality natural unrefined shea butter or lotion to your skin. Shea butter is platonic because it contains A and Eastward vitamins as well as beneficial fatty acids, thereby restoring your pare's natural wet balance. Shea also melts on contact and absorbs into pare without leaving a greasy residue.

Note: Shea products that are white in color take likely gone through an intensive refining process which has stripped the shea butter of its natural healing properties. Unrefined, or course A, shea butter should accept a nutty smell and a firm solidity until heated to body temperature.


Topical moisturizers are much more effective on exfoliated pare. Past using a common salt scrub weekly, your shea butter volition exist able to soak into your skin without existence inhibited by a layer of old expressionless skin.

Dead Ocean Mineral salts (which can also be added directly to your spa water) accept additional skin nourishing elements:

  • Magnesium: essential for cell metabolism.
  • Sodium ions: promote supple-feeling skin.
  • Potassium: for muscles and nervous system.

Yous Are What You Eat

Foods that are rich in essential fat acids like walnuts, flaxseed, salmon, and olive oil tin assistance skin stay hydrated.

Alcohol and caffeine are diuretics and mutual contributors to dry out peel.  Drinking h2o helps combat the dehydrating effects of our favorite beverages. And so, beverage lots of H2O before and later hot tubbing! Staying internally hydrated will make you lot feel better too.

Preventing Dry Pilus

Just as chlorine or bromine dry out peel, they tin can dry out your hair as well. By stripping hair's natural oils, chemicals tin can cause brittle, tangled and broken strands. Metals in your hot tub or pool tin also cause your pilus to plough a greenish tint.

green hairPrevent both of these problems past using a get out-in conditioner or hair lotion to seal the cuticle and pin your hair up before inbound the water.

Lips Only Not Least!

Lips are one of the nigh neglected and forgotten parts when it comes to skin intendance. Consequently, millions of people suffer from chapped lips. This is not only uncomfortable, just peeling lips are unattractive.

Apply a quality lip balm that contains natural healing ingredients. Use before hot tub use and nightly before bed. In just i-2 days you will observe a big difference in lip texture and whatsoever nifty should be diminished or gone.lip balm

Do y'all have any skin care tips that aren't mentioned here? Annotate below and let us know!