
1/4 Cup To Gallon Ratio

Question 773185: If you have to mix one gallon of h2o with 1/4 cup of mixing solution, how would yous figure out how much you would need if you only employ ane pint of water.

Answer past josgarithmetic(37757) About Me (Show Source):

You tin can put this solution on YOUR website!
Suggestion, convert EVERYTHING to gallons first, and then setup your proportion.

ane/iv cup for the mixing solution is 1/4 of 8 fluid ounces, and this is two fluid ounces. 1 gallon contains 128 fluid ounces.
2%2A%281%2F128%29 %28fluidOz%2Agal%2FfluidOz%29
1%2F64 gallons

The i pint of water to make the current desired mixture is 1%2F8 gallon, since ane pint is 1%2F8 gallon.

Ready to make the proportion. Permit's try to put the "mixing solution" in the numerator position for i of the ratios. five = volume of mixing solution in gallons.

Direction Ratio: %281%2F64%29%2F1
Our Mixture Ratio: v%2F%281%2F8%29
Our Proportion: highlight%28v%2F%281%2F8%29=%281%2F64%29%2F1%29 _________Remember, gallons was called for units. v is in gallons and y'all may need to convert to other units, like mayhap cups or pints or fluid ounces.

highlight%28v=1%2F512%29 which is 1-eighth of a quarter of a cup. Very small. Choosing fluid ounces would be more practical.

A choice of fluid ounces to begin the whole trouble solving may be easier than the choice of gallons.

Some other WAY:
If y'all tin run across the proportion in your head, then maybe you can start choosing quantities and units earlier than written assay. Basic recipe says, 1 gallon of water, only your mixture uses i pint = one/eight gallon of h2o. This means your mixture volition be 1/8 of the basic recipe. Now, what is ane/eight of the i/4 cup? This would be %281%2F8%29%281%2F4%29=highlight%281%2F32%29 cup.
With that, yous tin employ the fact, 1 loving cup = 8 fluid ounces, and then ----
%281%2F32%29%288%2F1%29 cup%2A%28fluidOz%2Fcup%29
highlight%281%2F4%29 fluid ounce

1/4 Cup To Gallon Ratio,


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