
Fructose And Glucose Are Isomers

Isomer Definition

Isomers are 2 molecules with the same molecular formula but differ structurally. Therefore, isomers contain the same number of atoms for each chemical element, but the atomic organization differs. Despite having the same molecular formula, the physical properties of each molecule may differ, particularly if the functional groups associated with each molecule are unlike. Isomerization is the procedure by which ane molecule is converted into another molecule with the identical atoms. This may occur spontaneously or a reaction may be required to accomplish this outcome.

Types of Isomers

In that location are two main types of isomers, structural isomers and stereoisomers (illustrated below).

Structural isomers

Structural isomers differ with regards to the specific attachment of atoms and functional groups. Thus, depending on the specific isomers, they may not be classified under the same functional group and they volition accept different IUPAC names. Types of structural isomers include chain isomers (e.g., hydrocarbon chains exhibiting different branching patterns); position isomers, which differ based on the positioning of a functional group on the chain; functional group isomers, in which a functional group is further divided into dissimilar functional groups; and skeletal isomers, which exhibit different carbon chains. Another blazon of structural isomer is a tautomer. Tautomers spontaneously interconvert between 2 structural isomers, and exhibit different properties depending on the particular isoform. Occasionally, tautomer conversion can be and then rapid that the isolation of both is not possible.


Stereoisomers refer to isomers which share an identical bond construction merely differ with regards to the geometric position of the functional groups and atoms. Types of stereoisomers consist of enantiomers, diastereomers, and conformational isomers. Enantiomers are mirror-images which contain chiral centers and are not superimposable. Diastereomers are non mirror-images, which may or non contain chiral centers. Conformational isomers exhibit different rotations around single bonds.

Example of an Isomer

At that place are several examples of isomers, described as follows:

Methoxyethane and Propanol

The chemic construction, C3H8O exists as several isomers of propanol, every bit well as the isomer methoxyethane. The two propanol isomers consist of propan-1-ol and propan-ii-ol (as well known as isopropyl alcohol), which are distinguished by the placement of an oxygen cantlet either on the terminal carbon atom or the central carbon atom, respectively. Methoxyethane is also an isomer of C3H8O, but is an ether due to the placement of an oxygen atom in the middle of the molecule, rather than continued to a single carbon cantlet.

Methylacetylene and Allene

Methylacetylene and allene are an example of C3H4 isomers, which differ based on the type of bonding exhibited past the molecules. Methylacetylene has 1 triple bail and 1 single bail between the carbon atoms and allene exhibits ii double bonds betwixt the carbons.

Animadvert and Cyanate

Fulminate and cyanate are an instance of isomers of CNO. Fulminate exhibits an arrangement in which the North is bound to both the C and O atoms, whereas in cyanate, both the O and N are spring to the central C cantlet.

Glucose and Fructose

Glucose and fructose are an case of C6H12Ohalf dozen isomers, which differ based on the position of a double bonded O cantlet. In glucose, the O is situated on the first C, whereas it is located on the second C in fructose (the structures of each are shown beneath).
D-Glucose vs. D-Fructose Structural Formulae

Pharmaceutical Examples

Isomers are extremely important in the development of pharmaceuticals, as typically, only one isomer of a detail molecule volition exert the desired event. For case, only i isomer for ibuprofen will bind to the necessary target in the human body and induce hurting relief. Similarly, cisplatin is an effective anticancer drug, whereas its isomer, transplatin, exhibits no anti-cancer benefits at all. One of the most famous examples is that of thalidomide (pictured below). While one isomer of thalidomide is a potent morning sickness suppressant, information technology was delivered at a 50:50 ratio with its stereoisomer, which was responsible for the nascence defects observed in the children born in the 1950's from mothers who took the drug.
Thalidomide structures

Enzymatic Reactions

One of the well-nigh important functions of isomers in the homo body is that of enzymatic reactions. The orientation, functional groups, bail lengths, and overall 3D construction of a molecule impacts its ability to bind to enzymes. Enzymes typically recognize a specific molecular shape like to a lock and key. Therefore, isomers which take a different physical shape volition not be able to demark to a particular enzyme, despite having the same molecular formula. An case of this is the enzyme triose-phosphate isomerase, which is involved in glycolysis by catalyzing the interconversion of dihydroxyacetone and (R)-glyceraldehyde phosphate; however, the isomer (Due south)-glyceraldehyde does not achieve the same reaction every bit it does not fit into the triose-phosphate enzyme. Enzymes that function to convert molecules into their isomers (east.thou., triose-phosphate isomerase described above) are called isomerases.


1. Isomers with the aforementioned bond structure simply the geometrical position of the atoms and functional groups differ are known equally:
A. Structural isomers
B. Stereoisomers
C. Tautomers
D. Chain isomers

Reply to Question #1

B is correct. Stereoisomers differ from structural isomers considering they have the same basic bond structure only atoms and functional groups tend to be rotated or positioned differently in space.

ii. Molecules A, B, and C are isomers. Enzyme A binds to isomer A to class isomer B and vice versa, but Enzyme A cannot bind to isomer C. Enzyme A is an case of:
A. An isomerase
B. A stereoisomer
C. A structural isomer
D. A conversion isomer

Answer to Question #2

A is correct. Isomerases are specialized enzymes which convert a molecule into its isomer. However, non all isomers are able to bind to the enzyme due to the physical structure of the molecule.

3. Isomers are important in biological systems considering:
A. Different isomers may exert differential furnishings in the bodyXX
B. Specific isomers may exist required for enzymatic reactions
C. Pharmaceutical development must consider all potential isomers to avert potential detrimental side effects acquired by the inadvertent interactions of a molecule'due south isomers when delivered to patients.
D. All of the to a higher place
E. A and B only
F. None of the above

Reply to Question #three

D is correct. Since the concrete construction often differs between isomers, different isomers may differentially demark to various receptors or enzymes in the body, thereby inducing differential effects. This may nowadays a potential consequence in the pharmaceutical industry if a drug contains a mixture of its isomers as such molecules may induce inadvertent furnishings.


  • McMurry J. (2004). Organic Chemical science sixth ed. Brooks/Cole Belmont, CA.
  • Morrison RT and Boyd RN. (1992). Organic Chemistry 6th ed. Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
  • Solomons TW, Graham and Fryhle, Craig B. (2004). Organic Chemistry, 8th ed. John Wiley: Hoboken, NJ.

Fructose And Glucose Are Isomers,


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